Ihana Seurustelu campaign by the Ensi- ja turvakotien liitto aims to highlight the characteristics of safe dating and help children and young people recognize harmful behavior patterns in their relationships. At the heart of the campaign is the desire to ensure that every child and young person has the right to be loved without the threat of emotional or physical violence. The campaign provides young people with information and tools to identify the qualities of a healthy relationship and encourages them to recognize and uphold their personal boundaries.
The campaign addresses heavy topics, but the illustrations were designed to be less triggering, focusing on the positive emotions that a healthy relationship can bring. The visuals represent diverse individuals in different types of relationships, emphasizing the diversity of dating and the universal right to experience care and affection.

"Onks Ok" flyers are designed to be distributed to young people and professionals. The flyer encourages seeking help and outlines step by step how to support someone experiencing violence. The illustrations aim to create a diverse and inclusive representation of help-seekers while avoiding unnecessary triggering imagery.


This poster raises awareness about different forms of violence and encourages seeking help. Its visual colorful design is meant to capture attention and invite the viewer to pause, read, and reflect.
The slogan was created in collaboration with young people that have been through toxic relationships. It is designed to avoid blame while encouraging action. The central flower and its leaves symbolize different forms of violence and the factors that allow it to spread. The scissors and their labels represent actions that can help cut off violence in everyday life.
The tone of the poster is hopeful, providing information and concrete ways to make a change.